Sustainable and circular transformation
HIT PRELESS d.o.o. after successfully applying for the tender “Support to start-ups, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the strategic sustainable and circular transformation of business in the years 2022-2025”, joined the program of the Public Agency SPIRIT with the short name Academy of Strategic Sustainable and Circular Transformation (STKT Academy). This program will sustainably and circularly transform around 120 small and medium-sized Slovenian companies over a three-year period.
Under the leadership of prof. dr. Adriane Rejc Buhovac, member of the SPIRIT expert group, we are now developing the Sustainable and circular business strategy HIT PRELESS 2024-2028 for an efficient transition to a sustainable future and increasing the company’s added value. A sustainable and circular business strategy means that among the levers of business success we will thoughtfully include decisions that will benefit the natural environment, society (employees and the local community) and the economy (customers and other business partners). Many employees from different departments, both managers and experts, are involved in the process of creating a strategy.
Program ima dva dela:
Phase A (May 2024 – September 2024): in the analytical part of Phase A, we conducted in-depth interviews with employees, analyzed all internal processes with smaller teams of colleagues, and a comparative analysis of competitors is also underway. A special place in this process is the so-called the materiality matrix, which shows the sustainability challenges that are very important to the stakeholders of the HIT PRELESS company, but at the same time have a great potential impact on the business performance of the company. We have identified a wider range of potential sustainability challenges with the participants of interviews and workshops, and we will confirm their importance by surveying employees, customers, suppliers, representatives of local communities and other stakeholders of the company in Slovenia and abroad. The HIT PRELESS company will also make a strategic commitment to the most important sustainability challenges;
in the development work, on this basis, we will prepare a Sustainable and circular business strategy for the period 2024-2028 with measurable strategic goals, project-documented strategic activities and indicators for strategic control. We will also design a new, sustainable and circular business model for the company.
Phase B (autumn 2024 – spring 2025): after the successful completion of Phase A, we will apply for the second phase of the program (Phase B), in which we will co-finance the implementation of a specific development project with the help of grants from the EU Recovery and Resilience Fund. The amount of co-financing is up to EUR 90,000. We will develop ideas for a potential development project (our own product) that will be subject to co-financing in the month of August.